About Don's Work
Don has designed and built unique custom made furniture inspired by the finest works of the past three centuries. In his work he has made extensive use of library and museum research to develop period furniture designs that meet specific aesthetic tastes and functional needs.
Don's work has been inspired by American works from the mid-18th Century through the early 20th Century. Specific styles of interest are Queen Anne, Chippendale, Federal and Arts & Crafts. He has created antique reproductions to replace furniture pieces that have been destroyed by fire or other unfortunate events and has applied his knowledge of period furniture construction to antique furniture restoration and repair.
Don has very carefully selected the timber and hardware for all of the pieces he has made. He has used many of the same construction techniques employed by 18th Century colonial furniture makers as they crafted fine furniture pieces still being enjoyed today, some two hundred and twenty five years after their "birth".
Please view an outline of the custom furniture design process that Don has employed while working with clients to design furniture that fits well in their home.
"Inspired by masterworks from the past and using time-tested building techniques, Don has crafted unique furniture pieces that are sure to be enjoyed by many future generations."